Setting Point Rules and Points in WorkTango sftp



  • Assignmentgiving a person a point rule.

  • Applicationgiving a person points because of a point rule.

Rules only apply if tagged

If a point rule is not tagged with Apply to New Users added through Importthe rule is assigned to the new user, but not applied until quarterly (or whatever) refresh.

If a point rule is tagged with Apply to New Users added through Importthis is what happens:

The Math

If a person is new and has no reports, direct or otherwise, they get assigned the Giving Balance amount.

If a person is new and has reports, we count their reports and multiply points per report times the number of reports:

Points From Rule = Rule giving balance + (points per report x number of reports)

Counting Reports

If the rule is tagged with Apply to my Full Reporting Chain, then we count all active people in the reporting chain, whether direct or indirect. People set to ARCHIVED or PAUSED are not counted.

If it is tagged with Apply to My Direct Reports Only, then we count only the direct reports. (e.g. If Alice reports to Bob and Bob reports to Cathy, Alice is Cathy’s Indirect Report and Bob’s Direct Report.).

In our Alice, Bob, and Cathy example, if we apply a rule to all three that gives 0 giving points and 100 points per report with Apply to My Full Reporting Chain set to true:

  • Cathy gets 200 points (100 for Alice and 100 for Bob)

  • Bob gets 100 points for Alice

  • Alice gets zero points.

Default Points

If a company has a default point amount, the default is overridden with the rule value. In our example, if our company has a 200 giving point default, Alice still gets 0 points.

Since the system applies default values before point rules are assigned and applied, Alice will have a transaction for 200 for her default followed by a transaction for -200 for us setting her balance to zero.

Points on the file override point rules

If we upload a file with both points and a point rule, the points win. We still assign the rule, still apply the rule, but then override the points with the value from the file. So if we uploaded Alice, Bob, and Cathy with both the point rule and points of 300 giving points:

  • Cathy gets 300 points.

    • She gets the default points of 200.

    • Then she is assigned 200 points per rule for having Alice and Bob. (+0 points since she already has 200)

    • Then she is assigned 300 points per the file (+100 points).

  • Bob gets 300 points.

    • He gets the default points of 200.

    • Then he is assigned 100 points per rule for having Alice. (-100 points)

    • Then he is assigned 300 points per the file (+200 points).

  • Alice gets 300 points.

    • She gets the default points of 200.

    • Then she is assigned 0 points per rule. (-200 points)

    • Then he is assigned 300 points per the file (+300 points).

The documentation provided above is only applicable to the WorkTango Recognition & Rewards platform and does not apply to our Surveys & Insights solution.